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Leadership: Team Members
தேவவசனத்தை உங்களுக்குப் போதித்து உங்களை நடத்தினவர்களை நீங்கள் நினைத்து, அவர்களுடைய நடக்கையின் முடிவை நன்றாய்ச் சிந்தித்து, அவர்களுடைய விசுவாசத்தைப் பின்பற்றுங்கள். - எபிரெயர் 13:7
Founder & Directors, RR Peta
Pas. Prabhukumar & Prasanthi
Pas. Emmanuel & Joy Emmanuel
Senior Pastors, Vijayawada
Senior Pastors, Nulakpeta
Pas. Vinaykumar & Madhuri
Obeying the Gods calling upon their life Pas. Vinay Kumar & Sis. Madhuri moved to the remote area where there is no proper facilities, they sacrificied their life in serving and building the Lords kingdom in Nulakpeta and they completely dedicated their lives in Fulltime Ministry
Starting the ministry at 1993
Pas. Prabhukumar & Prasanthi have gone through many tough situations and hardening times. However they obeyed the Gods calling and vision of EPMI church and Lord made these two to built the ministry on a solid rock as a foundation of EPMI to the upcoming generations of EPMI pastors.
Being as a older child to their parents Pas. Emmanuel took the responsibilities of their parents at an younger age & the vision he saw in his dream made Pas.Emmanuel to dedicate his life for christ. Being as a senior pastors in EPMI Pas.Emmanuel & Joy saved many souls and taking care of orphans, widows and spiritual parenting many pastors for the extention of his kingdom and continuing his work in fruitful and blessed path as God decided to be.
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